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Acciaio arrugginito


The main sections used in construction are the so-called double T beams known as IPE (UNI 5398-78). These are profiles consisting of two wings with parallel external faces connected through a perpendicular core with circular fittings. This type of section was created with the aim of optimizing resistance to stress, avoiding "wasting" material with full rectangular sections. The abbreviation IPE is followed by a number (e.g. IPE 200) which indicates the height of the profile in millimeters. Sections of this type generally have a core that is twice the width of the wings; they work very well in straight bending and are normally used for the construction of beams, warping of metal floors, ribs, etc.
On the other hand, they are not frequently used as pillars since they do not guarantee optimal behavior with respect to peak loads, triggering instability phenomena. To overcome this problem it is possible to resort to HE profiles (UNI 5397-78) which have a width of the wings equal to the height of the core and offer greater lateral stability. These profiles are produced in three series (A, B, M) which differ in the increasing thickness of the sections. The abbreviation HE is normally followed by the letter corresponding to the series and by the number referring to the height (eg HEA 200); at the same height, a HEB 200 is heavier than a HEA 200.


Beams with wide parallel wings UNI 5398-64


Beams with parallel wide wings. the lower faces of the wings are not parallel to the upper ones but inclined by an angle which is about 15 °


Beams with wide parallel wings - Lightened series UNI 5397-64


Beams with parallel wide wings.


Beams with parallel wide wings.


Beams with parallel wide wings.

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